Monday, December 31, 2012

The broken glory box: the story of the torn out hope chest.

Pencil on sketch paper 12/31/2012

Wispy Tree Phase II

Basic shape of tree now added. Going from dark to light with the browns.

Artist's Statement

"We are only as important as the relationships we maintain."

This is not to say that it's "who you know, not what you know," but rather it's the relationships with our family members, friends, colleagues and enemies that create the perceptions and images of ourselves. We make ourselves, true, but it's impossible to do so in a vacuum. 

The inspiration for 2013 for me will be you, those in my life who have been my muse, whether with intent or by accident. These forthcoming pieces will represent each one of you in some way. 

Your desired subject born from my mind and hand. The goal is to create a three pieces per person. The content does not have to flow or connect in any way. It can be whatever you want. 

It will be random, but what isn't. 

If you want to contribute your ideas, leave a comment of what you'd like. If you don't want your ideas public, just shot me an email: 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Whispy Tree Phase 1 - Sky and Clouds

Whispy Tree phase 1

Camellia, Rose, Tree and Owl Studies

3rd law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 
-Sir Isaac Newton 

Science is not the only discipline that seems structured around such paradigms as Newton's 3rd law. Language acquisition, math... that's all I can think of at the moment, well and art. 

I have discovered, amateur drawer/painter that I am, that is proves very difficult to create compositions when you have no idea what the subject will be. There are moments when your subconscious will lead you somewhere interesting and you get a really cool piece. Other times your subconscious pulls a Honeybadger on you and you're left staring at the black hole that is a vacant piece of paper. 

Creating a composition, even though I have to keep reminding myself, is no different than what most writers and other creative people do in order to make substantial products: input. It is quite rare to meet a writer who is not an avid reader, or a physicist who disregards the principles found in biology or chemistry. 

In order for me to do serious pieces of what could be considered art, I need to draw as much as I can. Everyday. 

The Catch! 

What am I supposed to practice drawing?

But lo! What are friends for? Especially my friends, whose brains are just as off-centered and weird as mine. For every answer to "If you could have something drawn for you, what would it be", has started a new piece that will be researched and created into a bigger composition. 

Newton's 3rd law is applicable always and everywhere.